A Research Into the Fact That Media Have Direct Effects on People in Different Ways

Noura Alalawi


Whether the effects of media on society are direct or limited has been a topic of debate for quite a long time. The effects of media touch on all classes of society. The effects of media touch on such spheres as the political sphere, the religious sphere, the education sector, the business sector as well as the entire corporate practice. Contrary to the assumptions of the limited effects theory, the effect of the media on society is direct. In other words, the media affects the society directly. This paper seeks to validate this argument through focusing on the scholarly views and expert opinions of renowned authors and specialists in the social sciences. Further, the paper bases its key arguments on the results of the empirical research executed through the use of respected books and resourceful scholarly reviewed articles on the topic of media and society. The research, just like the scholarly opinions indicate that the media impact directly on the society since what the media broadcasts and portrays is a reflection of the society. It is for this reason that the media have been described as the mirror of society.


Media effects; Media on society; Television programs; Political sphere

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/n


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