The Basic Rules of Marxist Philosophy Say “No” to the Long-standing English Teaching: Taking China’s Large-Scale English Teaching for Example



Abstract: This paper, by using the basic rules of Marxist philosophy, has discussed the universal natural rules violated by China’s large-scale English teaching and researching, with the purpose of calling experts' and scholars' attention to the question below: is it true that, for a long time, there have been some large faults in China’s large-scale English teaching at all levels of our education, and that the teaching orbit and the researching orbit have been mistaken and misleading? On the basis of more than 30 years’ probing, researching and experimenting, the author has put forward a suggestion that we should adopt a new teaching and researching method of imitating thinking orbit, by taking advantage of the natural rules existing inside and outside the brain. The author expects that, in China’s English teaching and researching circle, there appears a discussion of “Practice-is-the-sole-criterion-of-truth”.
Key words: The Basic Rules of Philosophy; Negation; Thinking Imitating; Practical Values


The Basic Rules of Philosophy; Negation; Thinking Imitating; Practical Values

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