Study of Electrical Parameters and Energy Efficiency in Photogalvanic Cell Containing Erythrosine as a Photosensitizer in Benzethonium Chloride – EDTA System
Photogalvanic effect was studied in a photogalvanic cell containing Erythrosine as photosensitizer in Benzethonium Chloride EDTA system . A sintered filter was used in H-cell between the diffusion length. In Erythrosine - Benzethonium Chloride - EDTA system the photopotential and photocurrent were observed 890.0 mV and 250.0 mA respectively. The conversion efficiency of the system was observed 0.8282 % and fill factor was determined as 0.33. The cell performance was observed 95.0 minutes in dark. The effects of different parameters on the electrical output of the cell and current-voltage (i-V) characteristics of the cell were studied. A mechanism was also proposed for the generation of photocurrent in photogalvanic cell.
Key words : Photogalvanic effect; Erythrosine; Benzethonium Chloride; Fill factor; Conversion efficiency
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