A Comparison of Occupational Skill Appraisal Mechanism Between Mainland and Taiwan in China

Mijia LUO, Changfa XIE


Occupational skill appraisal is a kind of assessment based on occupational skills. A perfect mechanism of Occupational Skill Appraisal can bring its superiority into full play in social economy. The study is aiming at a comparison of three mechanisms between mainland and Taiwan in China. They are respectively the mechanism of power dustribution among governments, the mechanism of application and that of selection among contractors. Besides, The reflection of current situations on occupational skill appraisal in Chinese mainland appeal for further improvement in the distribution of authority among central and local goverments, regulation of employment admittance as well as the cooperation between goverment and society.


Occupational skill appraisal; Mechanism; Goverment

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/6133

DOI (PDF): http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/g6806


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