A Multimodal Analysis of the Interplay between Visual and Verbal Semiotics in Creating Messages in Chinese Picture Books

Qing QIU


Children’s picture books play a fundamental part in the lives, entertainment, as well as education of children in some distinctive ways. Informed by Halliday’s (e.g. Halliday 1978/2001; Halliday 1994/2000) Systemic Functional Linguistics and Painter et al.’s visual narrative framework (Painter et al. 2013), this research is devoted to the analysis of textual choices available to the writer/illustrator to create coherent and meaningful messages in Chinese children’s picture books from a multimodal analysis perspective. The textual features of visual components are identified throughout the database, and the analysis of compositional interplay between verbal and visual semiotic systems is also conducted. It aims to elucidate how visual and verbal semiotic resources are co-deployed to create coherent and meaningful stories in Chinese children’s picture books.


Systemic Functional Linguistics; Textual Meanings; Multimodal Discourse Analysis; Chinese Picture Books

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/11444


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