Feminism and the Question of Male Gaze in K.S. Maniam’s “The Loved Flaw”

Abdalhadi Nimer Abdalqader Abu Jweid


This study attempts to explore the Male Gaze in K.S. Maniam’s “The Loved Flaw.” The study demonstrates how Maniam sheds light on the social circumstances that affect the position of women in a male-dominated social milieus. It attempts to interpret the story’s female characters who suffer from the sequences of male gaze which leads to their marginalization or position as being subaltern and passive. Hence, the discussion of this marginalization accentuates women’s ability to cope with their patriarchal circumferences in order to search for equality and subjectivity since they lack strong voice to express their voice regarding their right. As such, the study polarizes feminism as a way to delve deep into the story’s narrative depiction of women’s plights restricting their voices and potentials. Therefore, the study’s methodology depends on feminism to interpret the effect of make gaze upon the selected work’s female characters and how they resist it through self-autonomous subjectivity.


Feminism; Male gaze; Maniam; Society; Women

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/12959


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