On Socialism and Realism Foresight Affecting Bernard Shaw’s Religion Ideas

Wenjing WANG


Bernard Shaw’s cognition and attitude towards socialism is very complicated and tangled, which is like the Chinese idiom “false respect”. He looks forward to socialism and communism but he is a non-actionist facing the changing ways and manners of social status. Influenced and bound by the religious thought, he won’t fight against the government by himself, neither disobeying the Lord’s laws nor the real state’s laws. Therefore Bernard Shaw’s socialism ideas are expressed in the articles and oral speeches, without employing the manner of striking and war to get rid of and overthrow the existing government and the state system. So Bernard Shaw’s socialism thoughts are only his own ideas. But eventually he abandoned socialism and he did not like revolution. He returned to capitalism and his own religious world.


Socialism; Religion; Foresight; Realism

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/n


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