A Study on the Conversational Implicature in Sons and Lovers From the Perspective of Cooperative Principle

Jingjie DU


Sons and Lovers is one of the masterpieces of David Herbert Lawrence. This novel reveals the complicated relationship which is mainly resulted from the great gap between Mr. Morel and Mrs. Morel. The growth of Paul is greatly influenced by his parents. The conversation between Paul and his parents plays an important role in indicating Paul’s unbalanced attitude towards his parents and his relationship with his parents. The unbalanced attitude of Paul and his relationship with his parents contributes to the novel’s development.
With the application of the Cooperative Principle, this paper mainly analyzes the conversation between Paul and his parents. In this way, the relationship between Paul and his parents can be revealed. The underlying reason of the novel’s plot development can be better understand.


Sons and lovers; Conversational implicature; Cooperative principle

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/8426


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