The Phenomenon of Replacement in the Poem Banat Souad by Kaab Bin Zuhair: A Descriptive Analytical Study

Ahmed A. Thunaibat


The study explores the justifications for using replacement in Kaa’b Bin Zuhair’s poem “Baanat Souad”. It as well explores the effect of replacement on the semantic and formal structures of the poem.
The study identified four types of replacement in the poem:
a) Replacement of letters
b) Replacement of a number word with another
c) Replacement of a participle with a verb
The significance of the study stems from the diversity of the types of replacement in Zuhair’s poem. It is worth mentioning that replacement does not deviate from the grammatical rules of the language. Rather, it is an indication of the multiplicity of meaning and styles.
The findings of the study are highlighted in the conclusion. The analytic descriptive approach is used to analyze the poem in this study.

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