Interpretation Context From the Perspective of Adaptation Theory

Qiang KANG


The adaptation theory that came up in 1971 argued that people react to good and bad events in their life, but they eventually return to a stable level of well-being. Adaptation to context is a very important subject that attracts much attention from many branches of linguistics. we should do deep study about the paper.
As Malinowski suggests that utterance “becomes only intelligible when it is placed within its context of situation.” Interpretation, in essence, a communicative activity, also only takes place in the special context. Due to its extemporariness, interpretation is more dependent on the context. Study of the relation between context and interpretation should gain its due attention in this field.
Interpretation is dynamic contextual communication. Inspired by Vershueren’s adaptation theory from the viewpoint of pragmatics, which involves the issue of language choices, this paper attempts to study on interpretation context from the perspective of adaptation theory in this thesis.


Adaptation interpretation; Interpretation; Context; Communication

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