Optimization of Blended Learning for Open Education From the Perspective of Instructional Interaction: A Case Study of English for the Humanities

Tingting LI


One of the advantages of open education is the potential integration of online and offline learning. However, in practice, this integration has not been fully achieved. This study explores attempts to optimize blended learning for open education by promoting instructional interaction, which is essential for successful learning. Using English for Humanities as an example, the study found that interaction between learners and learning resources can be promoted by enriching materials and designing tasks with appropriate difficulty levels based on real-life situations. When an open discourse learning environment is established and daily communication is enhanced, students become more active in social interaction. The optimized blended learning approach has been shown to improve students’ learning participation and satisfaction. However, the study also revealed that the online interaction between students and resources remains at a relatively low level due to a lack of effective supervision and timely guidance. This practical study provides methods to promote instructional interaction and effective blended learning for open education.



Blended leaning; Open education; Instructional interaction; English teaching

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3968/13034


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