
Search Thesis Abstracts

Issue Title
Vol 28, No 3 (2024): Studies in Literature and Language Research on the Construction of College English Teaching Materials in the Era of New Liberal Arts Abstract  PDF
Yaoting CHEN, Hongfang WAN
Vol 9, No 1 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language Culture Introduction and Cross-cultural Communication Competence in College English Teaching Abstract  PDF
Vol 8, No 1 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese College English Syllabus Word List with a General Service List of English Words and Academic Word List Abstract  PDF
Yongxue TANG
Vol 10, No 2 (2015): Studies in Literature and Language On the Cultivation of Learners’ Competence of Critical Thinking in College English Teaching Abstract  PDF
Vol 9, No 2 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language Practical Strategies for English Situational Teaching in Colleges Abstract  PDF
Suping TIAN, Zhenmei SHI
Vol 9, No 1 (2014): Studies in Literature and Language Attitude and Motivation for English Learning Abstract  PDF
Chen LIU
Vol 12, No 5 (2016): Studies in Literature and Language The Analysis About the Factors of Silence in College English Classroom Abstract  PDF
Zhouyuan YU
Vol 29, No 1 (2024): Studies in Literature and Language Innovation and Practice of Efficient English Teaching Models Empowered by Artificial Intelligence Abstract  PDF
Ying LI
Vol 7, No 2 (2013): Studies in Literature and Language A Social Constructive Study on Optimizing College English Teaching Strategies Abstract  PDF
Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Studies in Literature and Language Research on College English Education From the Perspective of Culturally Responsive Teaching Abstract  PDF
Mingjie BAO
Vol 11, No 2 (2015): Studies in Literature and Language Post College English Era, the Exploration and Practice of ESP Teaching Abstract  PDF
Yang SHI
Vol 7, No 1 (2013): Studies in Literature and Language On Promotion of Students’ Autonomy in China’s College English Classroom Abstract  PDF
Caixia HU
Vol 17, No 3 (2018): Studies in Literature and Language A Comparative Analysis of English Education Between Chinese and Japanese Universities Abstract  PDF
Yaoyao ZHANG
Vol 24, No 3 (2022): Studies in Literature and Language College English Learning Strategies Based on Communicative Teaching Platform Abstract  PDF
Yuyi QIU
Vol 15, No 6 (2017): Studies in Literature and Language Teaching Mode Exploration Basing on the Text of New Horizon College English Text Book for Reading and Writing Abstract  PDF
Vol 10, No 6 (2015): Studies in Literature and Language A Study of College English Listening and Speaking Teaching on the Basis of Multimodal Theory Abstract  PDF
Fang XIE
Vol 15, No 5 (2017): Studies in Literature and Language An Analysis of Native Language Transfer in English Writing for Non-English Major Students Abstract  PDF
Cailing QIN
Vol 23, No 3 (2021): Studies in Literature and Language Study on the “Task-based Language Teaching Method” of College English Classes with Aid of “Rain Classroom” Tool Abstract  PDF
Pingfan ZHANG
Vol 15, No 1 (2017): Studies in Literature and Language The Cultivation of College Students’ English Autonomous Learning Abstract  PDF
Shuqin HU
Vol 22, No 2 (2021): Studies in Literature and Language On the Cultivation of College English Learners’ Autonomous Learning Ability in the Internet Age Abstract  PDF
Mingjie Bao
Vol 15, No 1 (2017): Studies in Literature and Language On the Integration of Cultural Knowledge Into College English Teaching Abstract  PDF
Lihua TAN
Vol 21, No 2 (2020): Studies in Literature and Language Interlanguage and Its Implications in College English Teaching and Learning Abstract  PDF
Vol 14, No 6 (2017): Studies in Literature and Language Application of Cohesion Theory in College Listening EFL Teaching Abstract  PDF
Chunxia FU
Vol 14, No 1 (2017): Studies in Literature and Language On the Fairness of Chinese College Classroom English Teaching Abstract  PDF
Guoqiang HAO
Vol 20, No 3 (2020): Studies in Literature and Language Research on the New Eco-construction of College English Teaching in the Data Age Abstract  PDF
Mingjie Bao
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